Disclaimer: I wrote this yrs ago more as a method of healing, letting things go, relieving frustrations rather than reliving them, than to actually send this letter out. Events from the past have always haunted me / frustrated me / confused me, so I've tried to learn from my mistakes & be a better version of me. This letter changes overtime as my thoughts see fit. That being said, I do NOT give my consent to use any part of this post in a negative way, to hurt anyone or to use for AI learning purposes or any other defamation or weird shit you kiddos are into these days. Sounds weird, but I gotta post so the 'webbies' don't use this for malicious purposes. LOL
Avis de non-responsabilité : j'ai écrit il y a des années davantage comme méthode de guérison, de laisser les choses aller, de soulager les frustrations plutôt que de les revivre, plutôt que pour envoyer cette lettre. Les événements du passé m'ont toujours hanté / frustré / dérouté, alors j'ai essayé d'apprendre de mes erreurs et d'être une meilleure version de moi. Cette lettre change au fil du temps selon mes pensées. Cela étant dit, je ne donne PAS mon consentement pour utiliser une quelconque partie de ce message de manière négative, pour blesser qui que ce soit ou pour l'utiliser à des fins d'apprentissage de l'IA ou pour toute autre diffamation ou merde étrange dans laquelle vous êtes les enfants ces jours-ci. Cela semble bizarre, mais je dois poster pour que les « webbies » ne l'utilisent pas à des fins malveillantes. MDR
Dear Eric,
I know our time has passed & I don't want to upset anyone in writing this. Losing so many people recently, leaving things unsaid & never being able to speak again has made me cognizant of missed opportunities.
Honestly, I did not understand a lot of what happened between us back then. I was very confused & frustrated as I'm sure you were as well (I get it). There were inconsistencies in our actions, but maybe we didn't realize it? I realize now, how young, naïve & inexperienced I was, especially w/ how I reacted. Sometimes it felt like you were 2 steps ahead of me & I struggled to keep up, struggled to take action & show I cared instead of doing nothing or being upset without context as to why I was upset. While other times, I wasn't sure how to get you to talk to me. Having anxiety didn't help things, but we tried. Though, remembering our awkwardness towards each other, our feelings were somewhat clear. I felt very strongly for you, if I didn't or didn't believe in you, I wouldn't have kept at it for so long.
Sadly, we did not communicate well & I think nerves were to blame. We also didn't have as many opportunities to talk, due to our situation, but I feel lack of communication caused us to assume things about each other that were unverified. All I wanted was for us to talk, even if it didn't seem like it. Regardless, there's things I feel need clarifying as I was never sure what you were thinking. I'm sure you also have similar questions about my actions.
We never got to speak on these, but if you ever read this, maybe you'll have some clearer understanding behind my behavior. This isn't everything that needs to be said & it won't make sense to anyone except us, but these stuck out the most for obvious reasons. I don't want to air things out on my blog or in public, but I also wrote this to help me find peace of mind.
I still have anxiety & writing helps me to release my rapid, reoccurring thoughts, which is a daunting task when one has a photographic / eidetic memory like mine. Trust me, it's not as cool as it sounds.
There's lots I wish we would've said back then so things might've been different or had more open understanding. I'm not here to say I would've been better for you when compared with others, nor am I trying to get you back after all this time. But I do care deeply for you & I wished and hoped all assumptions, questions, thoughts, etc could be answered.
Cher Éric,
Je sais que notre temps est révolu et je ne veux contrarier personne en écrivant ceci. Perdre tant de personnes récemment, laisser des choses non dites et ne plus jamais pouvoir parler m'a fait prendre conscience des opportunités manquées.
Honnêtement, je ne comprenais pas grand chose à ce qui s’était passé entre nous à l’époque. J'étais très confus et frustré, tout comme je suis sûr que vous l'étiez aussi (je comprends). Il y avait des incohérences dans nos actions, mais peut-être ne nous en sommes-nous pas rendu compte ? Je réalise maintenant à quel point j'étais jeune, naïf et inexpérimenté, surtout avec la façon dont j'ai réagi. Parfois, j'avais l'impression que tu avais 2 longueurs d'avance sur moi et j'avais du mal à suivre, j'avais du mal à agir et à montrer que je m'en souciais au lieu de ne rien faire ou d'être bouleversé sans contexte quant à la raison pour laquelle j'étais bouleversé. Alors que d’autres fois, je ne savais pas comment te faire parler. L'anxiété n'a pas aidé les choses, mais nous avons essayé. Cependant, en nous souvenant de notre maladresse l’un envers l’autre, nos sentiments étaient quelque peu clairs. Je ressentais très fort pour toi, si je ne croyais pas ou ne croyais pas en toi, je n'aurais pas tenu aussi longtemps.
Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas bien communiqué et je pense que les nerfs étaient à blâmer. Nous n'avons pas non plus eu autant d'occasions de parler, en raison de notre situation, mais j'ai l'impression que le manque de communication nous a amenés à supposer des choses les uns sur les autres qui n'étaient pas vérifiées. Tout ce que je voulais, c'était que nous parlions, même si cela n'en avait pas l'air. Quoi qu’il en soit, il y a des choses que je dois clarifier car je n’ai jamais été sûr de ce que vous pensiez. Je suis sûr que vous avez également des questions similaires sur mes actions.
Nous n’avons jamais eu l’occasion d’en parler, mais si jamais vous lisez ceci, vous comprendrez peut-être mieux mon comportement. Ce n’est pas tout ce qu’il faut dire et cela n’aura de sens pour personne sauf nous, mais ce sont ceux-là qui ont le plus retenu l’attention pour des raisons évidentes. Je ne veux pas divulguer des choses sur mon blog ou en public, mais j'ai aussi écrit ceci pour m'aider à retrouver la tranquillité d'esprit.
J'ai toujours de l'anxiété et écrire m'aide à libérer mes pensées rapides et récurrentes, ce qui est une tâche ardue quand on a une mémoire photographique/eidétique comme la mienne. Croyez-moi, ce n'est pas aussi cool que ça en a l'air.
- Alors, pour clarifier, je ne vous ai pas quitté. Lors de notre première rencontre, je t'ai vu sortir avec tes colocataires de la section bijoux du centre commercial, derrière la scène, où tu me cherchais. J'ai appelé mais tu ne m'as pas entendu, si tu avais regardé à ta gauche, tu m'aurais vu. Mon cousin et moi avons essayé de nous rattraper mais vous avez marché trop vite.
- J'ai commencé à être frustré de venir là-bas, de te dire bonjour et de ne plus te parler pendant un moment. J'ai essayé de trouver des moyens d'interagir, j'ai fait ce que je pouvais mais c'était très dur pour moi. J'aurais aimé avoir des choses comme les téléphones portables, les réseaux sociaux, etc. à l'époque, les choses auraient été beaucoup plus faciles à naviguer. Avoir une voiture ou pouvoir rentrer en voiture m'aurait également beaucoup aidé.
- Au bowling, j'ai dû lâcher ta main rapidement car mon sac s'est accroché sur une femme qui passait et j'étais coincé sur elle, dans une position bizarre. En récupérant mon sac, honnêtement, j'étais trop timide et anxieux pour réagir correctement, puis tu es parti. Je n'ai pas bien compris pourquoi car je pensais que tu allais te retourner et enfin me parler. J'ai couru après toi en t'appelant, mais tu ne m'as pas entendu. Preuve? Je t'ai vu presque te faire renverser par cette petite voiture noire, la Pontiac firebird ? , en route vers votre voiture. Vous étiez tellement perdu dans vos pensées que vous ne pouviez pas m'entendre crier, ni voir la voiture arriver. Ton vieil ami, Tommy Sod..., m'a dit bonjour et m'a vu te poursuivre. Je veux que tu saches que je ne t'ai pas « laissé en plan », j'ai essayé. Mais je pense que je comprends votre POV maintenant.
- Cela me faisait bizarre quand j'interagis sais avec vos amis car je ne savais pas ce que vous leur disiez, la plupart vous disaient toujours bonjour et étaient super gentils avec moi, alors que d'autres ne l'étaient pas. J'apprécie que tu leur parles de moi mais j'aurais toujours préféré simplement parler avec toi. Je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi tu ne m'as pas rappelé "à ce moment-là" (je suppose que tu as reçu ces photos mais j'ai maintenant l'impression que ton anglais n'était peut-être toujours pas aussi bon que je le pensais, même si je pensais que tu le parlais extrêmement eh bien, j'aurais dû t'écrire en français). Si vous avez appelé, je m'excuse pour cette hypothèse, car je n'avais pas de répondeur au début. (C'est à cause de vous que nous avons acheté un répondeur parce que j'ai réalisé que je risquais de manquer vos appels, MDR)
- Je ne vous ai JAMAIS manqué de respect et je ne vous manquerai JAMAIS de respect. Chaque fois que j'amenais quelqu'un avec moi à Li ou ailleurs, c'était soit un cousin, mes copines ou un de mes amis gays que je voulais que vous rencontriez puisque vos amis savaient qui j'étais. C'était aussi difficile pour moi de voyager là-bas quand je ne conduisais pas. Je voulais juste que quelqu'un prenne le métro avec moi, car il faisait parfois très sombre et je devais marcher loin pour arriver au train lorsque les bus étaient lents ou ne circulaient pas. Lors de ce match dans le nord de l'État de New York, c'est mon ami, qui était gay, qui m'a emmené en voiture. Je voulais te parler ce soir-là, peut-être clarifier les choses à ce moment-là, mais ça ne s'est pas produit.
- Il y avait des moments où j'étais à New York, avec des amis ou de la famille, et on me disait plus tard qu'ils vous voyaient, à proximité, me regarder mais que vous ne disiez rien (Chez McDonald's ?, etc.). Si c'était vrai, sachez que j'aurais aimé que vous veniez et disiez quelque chose, aussi étrange et effrayant que cette action ait pu être. Nous n’avions / n’avions vraiment aucune clarté sur quoi que ce soit et je le souhaitais au moins pour nous.
J'ai toujours été impressionné et fier de tout le travail acharné et des efforts que vous avez consacrés à votre carrière, car votre travail n'était pas facile.
Prends soin de toi, Jessii
Dear Eric,
I know our time has passed & I don't want to upset anyone in writing this. Losing so many people recently, leaving things unsaid & never being able to speak again has made me cognizant of missed opportunities.
Honestly, I did not understand a lot of what happened between us back then. I was very confused & frustrated as I'm sure you were as well (I get it). There were inconsistencies in our actions, but maybe we didn't realize it? I realize now, how young, naïve & inexperienced I was, especially w/ how I reacted. Sometimes it felt like you were 2 steps ahead of me & I struggled to keep up, struggled to take action & show I cared instead of doing nothing or being upset without context as to why I was upset. While other times, I wasn't sure how to get you to talk to me. Having anxiety didn't help things, but we tried. Though, remembering our awkwardness towards each other, our feelings were somewhat clear. I felt very strongly for you, if I didn't or didn't believe in you, I wouldn't have kept at it for so long.
Sadly, we did not communicate well & I think nerves were to blame. We also didn't have as many opportunities to talk, due to our situation, but I feel lack of communication caused us to assume things about each other that were unverified. All I wanted was for us to talk, even if it didn't seem like it. Regardless, there's things I feel need clarifying as I was never sure what you were thinking. I'm sure you also have similar questions about my actions.
We never got to speak on these, but if you ever read this, maybe you'll have some clearer understanding behind my behavior. This isn't everything that needs to be said & it won't make sense to anyone except us, but these stuck out the most for obvious reasons. I don't want to air things out on my blog or in public, but I also wrote this to help me find peace of mind.
I still have anxiety & writing helps me to release my rapid, reoccurring thoughts, which is a daunting task when one has a photographic / eidetic memory like mine. Trust me, it's not as cool as it sounds.
- So, to clarify, I did not leave you. When we 1st met, I saw you leave w/ your roomies out the jewelry section of the mall, behind the stage, where you looked for me. I called out but you didn't hear me, if you had looked to your left, you would have seen me. My cousin & I tried to catch up but you guys walked too fast.
- I began to get frustrated coming out there, saying hi & then not talking to you for a while. I tried to find ways to interact, I did what I could but it was very hard on me. I wished we had things like cell phones, social media, etc. back then, things would've been much easier to navigate. Having a car or being able to drive back then would've also helped me out loads.
- The bowling event, I had to drop your hand fast because my bag got caught on a woman passing by & I was stuck on her, in a weird position. As I picked up my bag, I honestly was too shy and anxious to react properly & then you left. I didn't fully understand why as I thought you were going to turn around & finally talk to me. I ran after you, calling your name, but you didn't hear me. Proof? I saw you almost get hit by that small black car, the Pontiac firebird? , on the way to your car. You were so lost in thought, you couldn't hear me shouting, nor did you see the car coming. Your old friend, Tommy Sod..., said hi & saw me go after you. I want you to know that I wasn't 'leaving you hanging', I did try. But I think I get your POV now.
- It felt weird to me when I interacted with your friends as I didn't know what you were telling them, most always said hi & were super nice to me, while some were not. I appreciate you telling them about me but I always would've rather just talked with you. I never understood why you didn't call me back 'then' (I'm assuming you received those pics but I now feel maybe your English still wasn't as good as I thought it was, even though I thought you spoke it extremely well? I should've written you in French). If you did call, I apologize for the assumption as I actually didn't have an answering machine at first. (You were the reason we bought an answering machine cause I realized I might be missing your calls, LOL)
- I have NEVER and would NEVER disrespect you in any way. Any time I brought someone with me to Li or elsewhere, it was either a cousin, my girlfriends, or 1 of my gay friends who I wanted you to meet since your friends knew who I was. It also was hard for me traveling out there when I didn't drive. I just wanted someone to take the metro with as it was very dark, at times & I had to walk far to get to the train when the buses were slow or not running. At that game in upstate, NY, that was my friend, who was gay, who gave me a ride. I did want to talk to you that night, maybe clear the air then, but it just didn't happen.
- There were times when I was around NYC, w/ friends or family, & I would later be told that they saw you, nearby, looking at me but you didn't say anything (At McDonald's?, etc.). If this was true, know that I wish you had come over &said something, as weird & scary as that action may have been. We really had / have no clarity on anything & I at least wished that for us.
There's lots I wish we would've said back then so things might've been different or had more open understanding. I'm not here to say I would've been better for you when compared with others, nor am I trying to get you back after all this time. But I do care deeply for you & I wished and hoped all assumptions, questions, thoughts, etc could be answered.
I've always been impressed & proud of all the hard work and effort you put into your career, as your job was not easy.
I am so sorry for any assumptions I made of you & if my actions, or lack thereof, hurt you. I know you're sorry as well, you told me so, I finally heard you that day but was too far gone to react.
I don't think this letter gives either of us complete clarity or a full piece of mind, mainly because if we had said all these things back then, things would be far different now. And, of course, there's more that should've been said, but I wrote what I could without seemingly trying to tell the world our business (not a lot of people read my blog anyways).
I doubt you'll ever read this, but it's here, if the Universe decides you should cross paths with it.
I do hope your life thus far was fulfilling, successful and that you have many more years of happiness & adventures ahead of you...
Take Care,
I am so sorry for any assumptions I made of you & if my actions, or lack thereof, hurt you. I know you're sorry as well, you told me so, I finally heard you that day but was too far gone to react.
I don't think this letter gives either of us complete clarity or a full piece of mind, mainly because if we had said all these things back then, things would be far different now. And, of course, there's more that should've been said, but I wrote what I could without seemingly trying to tell the world our business (not a lot of people read my blog anyways).
I doubt you'll ever read this, but it's here, if the Universe decides you should cross paths with it.
I do hope your life thus far was fulfilling, successful and that you have many more years of happiness & adventures ahead of you...
Take Care,
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